Tuesday, February 28, 2012

One of my favorate snacks!!!

Avocado/Tomato Salsa

One Roma Tomato, Diced
One Avocado, Diced
1 Garlic Clove, Minced
1 tsp Lemon Juice
1 tsp Olive Oil
Salt/ Pepper

Just combine all ingredients refrigerate,
serve with tortilla chips.

A few weeks ago my best friend Wanda and I made sushi.  This was only our second time so they might not look so perfect but we had a blast anyway.  We got the recipes from a book I was given for Christmas this year; Sushi with Style.  We made what most would call California Rolls but we added carrots to the mix of avocado, cucumber and crab meat.

What to do with left over chicken.

For the left over beer can chicken, take two potatoes, two stalks of celery, four carrots, 1 cup peas, 1/2 medium onion and mushrooms.
Dice potatoes, celery, carrots and onion.
Cook all vegetables add 2 cups of chicken gravy and cook on medium heat add left over chicken.
Serve with sour dough bread. Yum!!!

Beer Can Chicken

We are making beer can chicken. Instead of beer though we used chicken broth. For a side dish we crinkle cut carrots with brown sugar and made homemade stuffing.

Beer Can Chicken
Cook Time: Based on Chicken size(6 lb ~2 hours)
Tempature: 350 F
Ingredents: Empty Can (with another hole added or the top removed) , Roster Chicken, 1 TBS Thyme, 1 TBS Basil, 1 TBS Paprika, 1 TBS Garlic, 1/2 TBS Cayenne Powder, 1 TBS Lemon Pepper Seasoning, Chicken Brooth 6 fl. oz.(can use beer, wine, juice or even soda), Lemon(or your choice, apple, pear, orange, or even a garlic clove).
As for the seasonings play around with anything you like and use what ever quanity you feel fit.

1. Rinse and pat the chicken dry with paper towels.
2. Rub your seasoning mixture all over the chicken.
3. Fill the empty can with 6 fl. oz. liquid of your choicing, can add some seasoning to the liquid may cause a reacting with the carbanation if using beer or soda.
4. In a lined pan place the can in the center of the dish and place the chicken over it. Push the lemon into the neck of the chicken.
5. Place into preheated oven.

Cook Time: 30 minutes
Tempature: 350 F
Ingredents: 12 oz Bag Arnold Bread Cubes-Italian Seasoned, 1 cup Cubed Celery and Onion, 2 fl. oz. Chicken Broth, 1 lb Sausage(Sweet).

1. Cook sausage in a skillet over medium heat.
2. Wash celery and chop into cubes.
3. Chop onoin into cubes.
4. Combine onoin, celery, bread cubes, sausage and chicken broth.
5. Place into a oven safe dish and place into oven.

Cook Time: ~15 minutes
Cook Tempature: Medium Heat
Ingredents: 4-5 carrots and 1/8 cup Brown Sugar.

1. Peel and cut carrots into bite sized pieces(i used a crinkle cut slicer but a knife is fine).
2. Place Carrots into a sauce pan and fill with water enough to cover the carrots about 1-1.5 cups.
3. Cook carrots to tender about 15 minutes.
4. Remove from heat, drain remaining liquid and add the brown sugar mix and serve.

During the baking process.
Just about done, picture came out a little blurry.