Sunday, March 11, 2012

Raman done right

I really wanted Raman, Oodles of Noodles as I have always called them.  But they are a pretty plan and basic food.  So I figured what can I had to it.  I have added chicken strips to the creamy chicken that was good but I was having chicken for dinner I didn't want it for lunch too.

So what I ended up doing is I diced up a garlic clove, one carrot, a little onion and about a cup of broccoli.  I let this mixture come to a boil and than I added the Raman.  It came out really good.  Something everyone should try especially since a head of garlic is $1, bag of carrots $2, onion $1, bag of broccoli $2 and Raman is about $0.20. My meal cost about $0.95. 

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